Friday, 27 November 2009

Dark Crucible Publishing

In 2010 I am unveiling Dark Crucible Publishing, which will publish Young Adult Horror fiction in both paperback and eBook formats. The first book in line to be published by Dark Crucible will obviously be Falling Star, but I do hope to inspire other aspiring writers of the genre to want to publish with me.

Following Falling Star, all my other Young Adult Horror novels, including The Ramton Gallow Mysteries series, will be under Dark Crucible, though other books I write, such as Killing Time, will not be.

I feel that the Young Adult Horror genre is lacking some new blood and heart stopping fear, and I want to see if I can re-address the balance.

What I hope to do with Dark Crucible is to work with talented authors in giving them a fresh eye over their work to bring out the best in it, help and encouragement in developing their writing, and using the resources of the internet to promote their books as much as possible, relieving the pressure of doing it all alone.

It does seem like a big task, but I am relishing what is to come.

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C.J. Wright's books on Goodreads
Ritual of Blood Ritual of Blood
reviews: 2
ratings: 8 (avg rating 4.38)

Falling Star Falling Star
reviews: 2
ratings: 6 (avg rating 4.33)

Killing Time Killing Time
reviews: 1
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)